MEd / PGDipEd Research Assignments

Here you will find links to the assignments produced by Megan Dick and Al Reynolds as part of their post-graduate
studies at the University of Exeter. You will need to use the back button to return to this page since there are no
direct links back to here from the assignments.

  1. Reflection on two case studies of staff development with small groups (submitted May 1998)

  2. Evaluation of effectiveness in two case studies of learning using IT (submitted October 1998)

  3. Using ICT training needs analysis materials with staff in two secondary schools (submitted May 1999)

  4. A case study of tutoring an on-line course (submitted September 1999)

Reference information

Dick, M. and Reynolds, A, 1998. Reflection on two case studies of staff development with small groups [online]. United Kingdom: MA3 Group.
Available from [Accessed 29 October 2003].

Dick, M. and Reynolds, A, 1998. Evaluation of effectiveness in two case studies of learning using IT [online]. United Kingdom: MA3 Group.
Available from [Accessed 29 October 2003].

Dick, M. and Reynolds, A, 1999. Using ICT training needs analysis materials with staff in two secondary schools [online]. United Kingdom: MA3 Group.
Available from [Accessed 29 October 2003].

Dick, M. and Reynolds, A, 1999. A case study of tutoring an on-line course [online]. United Kingdom: MA3 Group.
Available from [Accessed 29 October 2003].